exoscale, 100% Swiss cloud providers joins Multi One Design S.A. for the MOD70 European Tour which starts on 30th of August in Kiel, Germany and concludes on October 3rd in Genoa in Italy. This is a first major sports sponsorship for the leading technology provider.
exoscale is a cutting-edge cloud computing platform that guarantees data location, services operation and technical support in Switzerland.
exoscale offers local or international companies real technological and financial benefits while preserving top level customer relationship.
The service catalogue offers products from Cloud computing to Software Service, and also first-class capabilities for tailor made solutions.
It is all about combining all the advantages of cloud computing with reliability, security and the transparency of a leading Swiss service provider.
exoscale Managing Director, Philippe Béal: “The philosophy of the Multi One Championship, the traveling circuit that is committed to combining safety, reliability and performance along with cost control could be ours. exoscale is a platform at the forefront of technology that allows for the reduction of capital investment and development, one that improves responsiveness and efficiency by freeing up resources then available for new innovations. In different areas, our two companies offer platforms adapted to the realities and needs of today. We look forward to our association throughout the MOD70 European Tour and already wish Bon Vent to all the competitors!"
For further information: http://www.exoscale.ch/