The home straight prior to the launch of the MOD70 No 03 Foncia…

Transfert plateforme MOD70 N°3 Foncia 19.07.11
While some are making the most of the summer to recharge their batteries beside the sea… the team from Keroman Technologie alongside those teams from MOD SA and Foncia have been bustling about in the fishing port this Monday 18 July… The reason for this is that the third MOD70 of the series has switched resort under the experienced eye of her skipper: Michel Desjoyeaux.

Like her two predecessors, the Foncia platform, MOD70 No.03, has been transferred by sea from her assembly yard, Kéroman Technologies, to Ocean Développement, where the final phase of her fit-out will be tackled. The teams will work in succession throughout the month ahead so as to proceed with the installation of the deck hardware and all the onboard equipment. The painters will also be in action adorning Foncia in her finest livery before her scheduled launch on the 18th august… Watch this space!

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